The Sleeping Giant
Animated short
by Sara Marullo with illustrations by Lucia Bricco and animation by Luca Chiari
This animated short film tells the story of Pietro, the only remaining child in a mountain village, where people live in silence, terrified of waking up a giant sleeping in a cave.
There are only eighty old inhabitants left in the village and Pietro and his parents. All the others have fled, with their children, because they couldn’t stand living in silence any more. Pietro is sad, even when a few small exceptions are made, it’s never enough to have the kind of fun that he dreams of.
Then his 10th birthday arrives...
This tale is dedicated to all children who are fearful of the things that go bump in the night.
This short was selected by AGISANEC Lazio and the Fondazione Cinema di Roma and screened on July 3 2017 at Notti di Cinema in Piazza Vittorio in Rome, Italy.
Click image below to see short